The Goddess Association in Australia Inc. (G.A.I.A.) was conceived at the Winter Solstice 2005, in order to bring together women, uniting us in our wisdom and the timeless lore of Goddess. The G.A.I.A. management committee is made up of a diverse group of women, who have pooled their talents, passion and vision to power the rising star that is Goddess in Australia.
It is our pleasure to introduce to you an incorporated, not-for-profit organisation that addresses the growing needs of Goddess-centred spirituality in Australia; G.A.I.A. is an information source and network for women`s communities and events, it is committed to educating the wider community about Goddess, and it aims to celebrate woman`s sacred journey and role in society through theĀ annual Australian Goddess Conference.
G.A.I.A is delighted to announce the 2008 Australian Goddess Conference honouring Goddess Gaia and the celebration of the wisdom and magic that is Earth Alchemy