Goddess Gifted Woman
G.A.I.A. would love to hear about any Australian authors, musicians or artists whose work we can provide a link to, as this enhances our commitment to further strengthen the Goddess network here in Australia.
Please email your suggestions to goddessassociation@yahoo.com.au
‘Pagan Fire’ by Julie Walton

‘Pagan Fire’ is a musical expression of all things sacred. Created in joyous celebration of the Celtic Wheel of the Year and in honour of the divine feminine, the Goddess energy, ‘Pagan Fire’ is an emotive mix of the personal, the spiritual and the enduring heart that keeps us connected to Mother Earth and the cycles of nature.
Just as the spirit of a questing pagan cannot be contained, ‘Pagan Fire’ cannot be contained into any one musical genre.

The tracks vary from soft and acoustic to pure celtic (with harp and bodharan) through to dance tracks with organic drum sounds driving the rhythm. The vocals are pure and honest with beautiful soaring harmonies.
Pagan Fire has 11 tracks – Call to Follow, Faces, Pagan Fire, Sacred Stones, Initiation, Ancestor Lines, Wheel of the Year, The Witches Dance, Moontide, Druids’ Oak, and Flight of the Bird Goddess.
This is an album that will stir your soul. Running time 51 minutes.
Sacred Priestesses of Goddess

Pauline, Mel, Jacqui & Tanna
Launch their first CD
Sacred Quarters
As Sacred Sisters they sing the Sacred Quarters
They gathered together at the crossroads, each representing an element: air, fire, water and earth. They have walked a sacred journey together, united as sisters. Nurturing and inspiring each other they have created sacred ritual, laughed, cried and over many cups of tea they made music. Mostly in the deepest darkest night they sang for their sisters, their teachers, their lovers & their children. They sang for each other, for the great mother, and most of all they sang for themselves. With voices ringing in harmony their spirits soared. Reclaiming their strength and pride as courageous, dynamic women and with passions ignited they have captured this moment in their journey. As Sacred Sisters they sing the Sacred Quarters. May your own passion be ignited and may you find your voice and sing with us as we journey onward….
Sacred Quarters has 8 tracks ~ The Elemental Return ~ We Are One ~ Hey Woman ~ Air I am ~ Mother ~ We are Woman ~ We all Come From Goddess ~ The Elemental FarewellContact :- Tanna at tanna_kjaer@yahoo.com.au or on 07 55966 259
The Voices of Gaia
The Voices of Gaia are inspired by the Goddess, by their love of song as a healing medium and their journey of discovery as women.
Thier first album ‘Womansong’ is a live recording of 17 original and traditional pieces. An uplifting expression of feminine energy, the chants, songs and soundscapes of this recording have been in great demand for use in healing circles and rituals.
Their second recording ‘The Voices of Gaia’ is a more fully produced album. It still retains an earthy flavour and a passionate message of womanpower.
For sound samples, lyrics and mre information see the Voices of Gaia website
Book—PaGaian Cosmology

Australian author Glenys Livingstone Ph.D. recently launched her wonderful book
PaGaian Cosmology – Re-Inventing Earth-based Goddess Religion. PaGaian Cosmology brings together a religious practice of seasonal ritual based in a contemporary scientific sense of the cosmos and female imagery for the Sacred.The work grew from the author’s sense of alienation from her place, which was personal, cultural and cosmic. PaGaian Cosmology is an ecospirituality grounded in indigenous Western religious celebration of the Earth-Sun annual cycle. By linking to story of the unfolding universe this practice can be deepened. The ritual scripts and the process of ritual events presented may be used as a resource for individuals or groups seeking new forms of devotional expression and an Earth-based pathway to wisdom within.
Glenys is pleased to announce that the entire text of PaGaian Cosmology is now freely accessible with a Creative Commons license, at her new website http://pagaian.org/
Persia Wildwood ~ Hermes Artwork Astrology
Shekhinah Morgan ~ Moon Diary Products
Discover the world of Women’s Spiritualit. Moon Diary Products bring you the world of Lunar Lore, Moon Stories of many cultures and ideas for simple but powerful ritual. These are tools for the journey that come from the wellspring of the Feminine Soul, encouraging sensory awareness, pleasure and celebration of Feminine spirituality. Through this site you can also journey into the world of the rich traditions of Women’s Performance Art as well as have your Natal Moon calculated and interpreted.
Music Review
Wendy Rule – Wolf Sky
Distrubuted by Shock Records 2006
Wendy Rule is a siren and shape-shifter. One need only listen to her latest compilation of enchanting music- Wolf Sky- to know this for fact. Once again, Wendy has reinvented her talented offering- the Wolf Sky differs in sound and sense to her previous albums, and embraces a more grounded and international feel. Eclectic Wolf Sky also includes Wendy’s circle casting and calling of the quarters. Those of you who have heard this live will be greatly pleased at this news! As usual, Wendy’s music is a real treat and a definite ‘must have’ for your music collection.
You can purchase Wendy’s music through her website www.wendyrule.com
Book recommendations
The Great Cosmic Mother – Monica Sjoo
The Living Goddesses- Maria Gimbutas
The Goddess Path- Patricia Monaghan
The Myth of the Goddess – Baring &Cashford
Ancient British Goddesses—Kathy Jones
Women Who Run with the Wolves- Clariss Pinkola Estes
The Red Tent- Anita Diamant
The Mists of Avalon series- Marion Zimmer Bradley
Moon Rites- Spiral Dancer
Ariadne’s Thread—Shekhinah Mountainwater
Priestess of Avalon—Priestess of the Goddess —Kathy Jones
Power of the Witch- Laurie Cabot
Other Scholarly (History):
Goddesses, Whores, Wives and Slaves- Sarah Pomeroy
Death, Women and the Sun- Lucy Goodison
For Celtic religion, see works by Miranda Green
Womens Life in Greece and Rome (Sourcebook)- Lefkowitz and Fant
The Goddess and the Warrior—Marinatos
Aspects of Death in Early Greek Art— Vermeule